Welsh wound Innovation Centre

Commercial & NHS Services

Gwasanaethau Masnachol a’r GIG

Staff at the Welsh Wound Innovation Centre have an unrivalled set of skills and expertise that add value to commercial organisations and the National Health Service.

Among the strengths of WWIC that are offered to both commercial organisations and the NHS are:
  • General consultancy – with around 150 years’ cumulative experience in human wound healing WWIC staff are ideally placed to provide general advice upon market trends, key opinion leaders and constructive comments on product and service requirements.
  • Focus groups bringing clinical and patient experience together to help you better understand product needs and requirements.
  • Product development. WWIC has been proud to collaborate with commercial partners to jointly develop successful wound healing products.
  • Product evaluation. WWIC has strengths at all stages of product evaluation, together we can
  • Evaluate products in the laboratory to support claims for their mode of action.
  • Evaluate products in clinical practice ranging from service evaluations to gain initial feedback from clinicians and patients through to advanced scientific designs such as the randomised controlled trial.
  • Support clinical audit to evaluate changes in practice and to establish the burden of wounds upon the NHS.
  • Able to develop health economic arguments to support the introduction of new products and processes.
  • Review training materials intended for clinical and industry staff.
  • Develop state of the art e-learning packages to better educate customers and clients upon wound healing issues.
  • Directly provide training for industry staff, including visits to wound clinics, allowing you to better understand the challenges of wound healing in today’s healthcare.

Please contact Prof Michael Clark at michael.clark@wwic.wales to informally discuss how WWIC could best support your organisation gain more from wound research, education, audit and consultancy.

Mae gan staff WWIC set ddigyffelyb o sgiliau ac arbenigedd sy’n ychwanegu gwerth at sefydliadau masnachol a’r Gwasanaeth Iechyd Gwladol.

Mae’r canlynol ymysg y cryfderau y mae WWIC yn eu cynnig i sefydliadau masnachol a’r GIG:
  • Ymgynghori cyffredinol - gyda tua 150 mlynedd o brofiad cronnol yn y maes gwella clwyfau dynol, mae staff WWIC mewn sefyllfa ddelfrydol i gynnig cyngor cyffredinol ar dueddiadau’r farchnad, arweinwyr barn allweddol a sylwadau adeiladol ar gynnyrch a gofynion gwasanaeth.
  • Grwpiau ffocws sy’n dod â phrofiad clinigol a chleifion ynghyd i’ch helpu i ddeall anghenion a gofynion cynnyrch yn well.
  • Datblygu cynnyrch. Mae WWIC yn falch o fod wedi cydweithio â phartneriaid masnachol i ddatblygu cynhyrchion gwella clwyfau llwyddiannus ar y cyd.
  •  Gwerthuso cynnyrch. Mae gan WWIC gryfderau ar bob cam o’r broses o werthuso cynnyrch. Gyda’n gilydd gallwn
    • Werthuso cynhyrchion yn y labordy i gefnogi’r hyn sy’n cael ei honni o ran eu gweithrediad.
    • Gwerthuso cynhyrchion mewn arfer clinigol yn amrywio o werthusiadau gwasanaeth i gael adborth cychwynnol gan glinigwyr a chleifion i ddyluniadau gwyddonol manwl fel y treial rheoledig ar hap.
  • Cefnogi archwiliadau clinigol i werthuso newidiadau mewn arfer ac i bennu baich clwyfau’r GIG
  • Datblygu dadleuon iechyd economaidd i gefnogi cyflwyno cynhyrchion a phrosesau newydd.
  • Adolygu deunydd hyfforddi sydd wedi’i anelu at staff clinigol a’r diwydiant.
  • Datblygu e-becynnau dysgu o’r radd flaenaf i addysgu cwsmeriaid a chleientiaid yn well ar faterion yn ymwneud â gwella clwyfau.
  • Cynnig hyfforddiant yn uniongyrchol i staff y diwydiant, gan gynnwys ymweliadau â chlinigau clwyfau i’ch galluogi i ddeall yn well yr heriau o wella clwyfau mewn gofal iechyd modern.

Cysylltwch â’r Athro Michael Clark i gael trafodaeth anffurfiol ynghylch sut y gallai WWIC gefnogi eich sefydliad i fanteisio’n fwy ar ymchwil, addysg, archwiliadau ac ymgynghoriaeth clwyfau.
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