Welsh wound Innovation Centre

Cardiff Wound Impact Schedule (CWIS)

The Cardiff Wound Impact Schedule (CWIS) is a validated tool for assessing the health-related quality of life of people with venous leg ulcers and diabetic foot ulcers1.  The CWIS tool has been translated into US English, Italian, German, French, Portuguese, Sinhalese, Swedish, Tao, Chinese and Welsh with linguistic validation reported for the US English, French and German versions2.  Psychometric properties of the CWIS tool have been reported for the Chinese version for people with diabetic foot ulcers3.

Amserlen Effaith Clwyfau Caerdydd


Mae Amserlen Effaith Clwyfau Caerdydd (CWIS) yn adnodd sydd wedi’i ddilysu ar gyfer asesu ansawdd bywyd ac iechyd pobl ag wlserau coesau gwythiennol ac wlserau traed diabetig.  Mae CWIS wedi’i chyfieithu i Saesneg UDA, Eidaleg, Almaeneg, Ffrangeg, Portiwgaleg, Sinhala, Swedeg, Tao, Tsieinëeg a Chymraeg, ac mae’r fersiynau Saesneg UDA, Ffrangeg ac Almaeneg wedi’u dilysu’n ieithyddol.

Cost for use of Cardiff Wound Impact Schedule (CWIS) Tool

Academic Studies

There is no charge for the use of CWIS tool for academic studies.

Commercially Funded Projects

The cost for provision of the CWIS questionnaire with scores, instructions for use and the coding schedule is £450 with a further cost of £10 per patient.

This charge is based upon the total number of patients to whom the CWIS is administered; it is not based upon the frequency with which the questionnaires are administered to each individual patient.

If you decide that you wish to take things further then we can negotiate a fee and we can then send the CWIS questionnaire with scores, instructions for use and the coding schedule.

Cost for Data Management, Analysis and Report

A further fee would be negotiated for Welsh Wound Innovation Centre (WWIC) involvement in the management and analysis of the CWIS data.  This cost is dependent on the sample size of the study and the number of times within the study the questionnaire is to be used.

An estimate cost for data input / management is based on the time taken to input 10 CWIS questionnaires into the SPSS database, this cost would equate to 1 hours work.  The total cost would be calculated by the total number of CWIS questionnaires used.

An estimate cost for data analysis and writing a report is based on 50 patients using the CWIS questionnaire at 2 time points, this cost would equate to 3 days work.

The total cost would be calculated depending on the sample size of the study and the number of times within the study the questionnaire is to be used.

NB: ADD £20 if company require invoice / payment in other currency to GB£.


  1. Price P Harding K. Cardiff Wound Impact Schedule: the development of a condition-specific questionnaire to assess health-related quality of life in patients with chronic wounds of the lower limb. Int Wound J 2004; (1) 1: 10-13
  2. Acquadro C, Price P, Wollina U. Linguistic validation of the Cardiff Wound Impact Schedule into French, German and US English. J Wound Care 2005; 14 (1): 14-17
  3. Huang Y, Wu M, Xing P, Xie T, Cao Y, Qian P, Ruan H. Translation and validation of the Chinese Cardiff Wound Impact Schedule. Int J Low Extrem Wounds. 2014 Mar; 13(1):5-11. doi: 10.1177/15347 
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