Research and Product Development
Taking a holistic view of the wound care innovation and translation journey to identify areas where support is justified and can make a difference. This involves developing a standardised process for service and product evaluations, clinical trials, and engagement activities.
Sustainable patient recruitment is key and locally we have broadened R&D activities and recruitment opportunities which has added activity advantages for participating NHS organisations and more importantly it benefits patients in terms of access to leading technologies and treatments. Our portfolio includes Healthy Volunteer studies (pressure mapping and skin blood flow) to assess the effect of compression therapies and beds, cushions, and mattresses.
Expertise includes 40 years leadership in laboratory testing of mattresses and cushions, past president European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel and a previous senior Consultant National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, current Advisory Board Member International Compression Club.
Member of CH/173 Assistive products for persons with disability and expert commentary author on ISO 20342-1: 2022. Assistive products for tissue integrity when lying down. Previous studies have included collaborative research on powered hybrid mattresses with the Pressure Ulcer Prevention and Intervention Service (PUPIS) Swansea Bay UHB and Hywel Dda UHB.
Healthy Volunteers – We host a strong volunteer database with a proven ability to provide rapid product evaluations.
Data collection within one month, dependent upon study size, using a cadre of highly trained research nurses.
Our studies involve participant repositioning devices, powered and non-powered hybrid mattresses and seat cushions for multiple UK, European and International medical device manufacturers.